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Ratang Bana - an oasis in the heart of Alexandra, Gauteng

The tenacity required to consistently serve a deepening pool of need in a community is a rare commodity. The founder of Ratang Bana, Ingrid Moloi and her team muster this resource joyfully attending to the needs of hundreds of children and their families everyday.

The faciliity is truly an oasis where the community can come to rest, play, eat and receive social services including counselling, training and jobs. Identified through the GrowZA network as a community keypoint, the social investment proposition to the donor was simple.

The operations of Ratang Bana are such that targetted support would compound the impact and reach of the facility. Through this lense the investment manifested across water reticulation and irrigation infrastructure, safety and beautification as well as upgrades to recreational facilities and a handsome contribution to the equipment and consumables needs of Ratang Bana.

We are thankful to our partners Xylem inc and The Kindness Corporation for making this happen and extending the commitment to communities to grow impact as we accelerate social progress.

To nominate projects or programmes in your community for social investment, register them on our HOMEGROWN HEROES platform.

This is how we #GrowZA


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