NSFAS funding applications for 2022 open on Tuesday.
The applications are open to all South African pupils and out-of-school youth from poor and working-class backgrounds.
The applications system will be open from 2 November 2021 until 7 January 2022 when the matric results are released.
National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) funding applications for 2022 will open on 2 November, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Blade Nzimande announced on Thursday.
Applications will open for all pupils and out-of-school youth from poor and working-class backgrounds who want to study at South African universities and TVET colleges, according to Nzimande.
"Considering the impact of [the] coronavirus, now more than ever, the demand for student funding has increased," he added.
The government has categorised students into five cohorts which are said to cover all those who have the potential to study further and are in need of funding.
1. A first-time entering student (FTEN) who is a Sassa beneficiary. (Cohort 1)
2. A returning student who is a Sassa beneficiary. (Cohort 2)
3. A first-time entering student who is not a Sassa beneficiary. (Cohort 3)
4. A returning student, who is not a Sassa beneficiary. (Cohort 4)
5. A student living with a disability. (Cohort 5)
Nzimande said that it was the government's duty to make sure that all those who have the potential to study further are not prohibited by a lack of funds.
He said they were proud of what the new board delivered.
"The board has assured me that the 2022 application process will handle student applications efficiently and make the application process seamless."
The applications system will be open from 2 November 2021 until 7 January 2022 when the National Senior Certificate results are released.
According to the department, the total number of university students who are funded - including funding from other government departments, that is, the Department of Basic Education's Funza Lushaka Bursary Scheme, the National Skills Fund and SETAs - increased by 45.4% from 346 966 students funded in 2018 to 504 366 students funded in 2020.
Additional funding was reprioritised to support a NSFAS shortfall in 2021/22, taking the total NSFAS budget to approximately R42 billion.
Information for Application
A. Before applying you should have decided which course you want to study and at which public university/TVET college. You will need to select these choices in the application form.
B. Make sure you have electronic (and certified copies) of the following:
Your South African identity document/card or, an unabridged birth certificate
IDs of parents and/or guardian (or death certificate where applicable)
IDs of each person living with you in your home
Pay advice/letter of employment/pension advice (not older than three months)
Please download the consent form and fill it in with your parent/guardian’s signatures. Applications without a consent form that is signed by all people whose incomes have been declared in the application will not be accepted, and will be considered as incomplete.
If you have a disability, please download the Disability Annexure A and fill it in
C. When you provide your cell phone number on the application form, make sure it works and please do not change it afterwards, as NSFAS will use it to communicate with you during and after the application process. Please do not provide someone else’s cell phone number as your contact number. You will also need an email address. If you do not have an email address, you can easily create a gmail address, by clicking here.
D. You must not apply if: – You have already applied and have an application reference number – You are not intending to apply for admission to a public university or TVET college – You already have NSFAS funding for 2022 – You are not a South African citizen
E. For postgraduate studies, only students who plan to do the following postgraduate qualification may apply: 1. B Tech – Architecture/Architectural Technology 2. B Tech – Biokinetics/Biomedical Technology/Biotechnology 3. Postgraduate Certificate in Education 4. Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting, and 5. LLB
How to Apply Online
Step 1
Take note of all the supporting documents you will need, read the terms and conditions, and download the parent consent form.
Step 2
Register yourself as a user on myNSFAS.
You will need to create a username and password, which you will use to log in to your myNSFAS account to update your details.
To complete the register process you will need a cellphone number and email address.
If you do not have an email address, you can easily create a gmail address, by clicking here.
Please note that registering on myNSFAS is not the applying process yet. You must proceed to the APPLY tab to access the application form and apply.
Step 3 Once you have registered, click the APPLY tab and you will be taken to the online 2022 application form. Read the form carefully, and start to fill in your particulars. IMPORTANT! Before filling in the application form, you will need to have scanned copies of all the supporting documents. These supporting documents must be uploaded. Don’t start the application until you have all the supporting documents, as you will not be able to save the form and come back to it later. This ads was automatically placed here by AdSense. Click here to learn more. When you have completely filled in the application form and attached all the supporting documents, click the Submit button to submit the application, and wait to receive a reference number. Make sure you submit your application on or before the closing date of 30 November 2022. Applications that arrive after this date will not be considered.
Students wishing to undertake other postgraduate qualifications MUST NOT apply. These students will need to apply to the NRF when they open their applications later this year. Click here for more information
Head to the NSFAS website to apply online.
How to Apply Offline with an Application form
Step 1
Visit your provincial/regional NYDA centre/office where you will be given a paper application form to fill in.
Step 2
Ask the NYDA centre workers to explain the application process to you, and read the paper application form to familiarise yourself with it.
Step 3
Use black ink to fill in the application form and write within the blocks and with CAPITAL letters.
Do not cancel out any text and make sure you write clearly.
Your parents will need to sign the consent form.
Have certified copies of the listed supporting documents with you and attach them to the application form by stapling them together before submitting the application.
The documents must be certified on the front side of the page and should not be older than 3 months.
Sign the completed application form and take it to one of the assistants to check that everything is in place.
You will receive a small acknowledgement of receipt card, to which the assistant will attach a bar code (a duplicate bar code will also be attached to your application form).
Make sure you submit your application on or before the closing date of 30 November 2022. Applications that arrive after this date will not be considered.