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3 min read
Leveraging Swarm Business Modeling for Non-Profits: Navigating the End of Jobs
In an era of rapid change and interconnectedness, traditional hierarchical structures can sometimes hinder the ability of non-profit...

4 min read
Exploring the Potential of Smart Contracts for Efficient Grant Distribution: A Thought Experiment
As the GrowZA team sat back and reflected during the Freedom / May Day long weekend, we found ourselves thinking about the challenges and...

2 min read
GrowZA: ESG Insights & Social Investment Leadership in South Africa
As businesses across South Africa work to adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of sustainability standards and regulations, understanding...

3 min read
Adapt or Die: How Civil Society Organizations Can Thrive in a Changing World
In a world that is constantly changing and evolving, the ability to adapt is crucial for individuals, communities, and entire societies....

2 min read
Xylem and GrowZA Partnership Promotes Sustainable Water Solutions and Urban Agriculture in Soweto
Soweto, located in South Africa's Gauteng province, is one of the country's most populous townships with an estimated population of 1.3...

3 min read
Pragmatic Change-Making: Unleashing the Power of Shuhari for Sustainable Growth and Impact in Africa
At GrowZA, we're dedicated to fostering growth and development in Africa by partnering with think tank clients and executive teams to...

3 min read
Exploring Social Compacts and Social Investment Approaches to Address Southern Africa's Development
As Southern African countries continue to experience development challenges, partnerships between non-governmental organizations (NGOs)...

2 min read
Reflecting on Human Rights Day in South Africa: Progress and Challenges
On Human Rights Day 2023, we at GrowZA join South Africans in reflecting on the progress made in social development and human rights,...

4 min read
South Africa's BRICS Chairship: A Critical Analysis and Pathway to Sustainable Development #GrowZA
BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development and Inclusive Multilateralism. This is the theme...

3 min read
DigitALL: The Role of Tech in Advancing Gender Equality and Empowering Women and Girls in Africa
In this year's International Women's Day, we celebrate the theme of "DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality," which...

4 min read
The Fallacy of Programmatic Change: Why Some Non-Profits Failed During COVID-19
This is not an easy article to write as it could be viewed as a cynical, retrospective account written with the benefit of hindsight. In...

3 min read
Understanding the Theory of Panarchic Growth: A Framework for Enhancing Community Development in ZA
As development professionals, we are often faced with complex and dynamic social-ecological systems that require a holistic and adaptive...

2 min read
Building a Sustainable Support Base: How Non-Profits Can Cultivate 1,000 True Fans
As a non-profit organization, building a strong and sustainable support base is crucial to achieving our mission. One concept that has...

2 min read
GrowZA Insights: Harnessing the Power of the Socratic Approach for Small NGOs in SA
GrowZA is a social investment agency based in South Africa that works to support small non-profits (NGOs) in their efforts to make a...

2 min read
Empowering Youth through UAV Programming: A Path to Aviation and Sustainable Development #GrowZA
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, have become increasingly popular in recent years and have the potential to be a...

2 min read
Holocaust Remembrance Day - 27 January
International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which is observed on January 27th, serves as a reminder of the atrocities committed during the...

2 min read
From the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals: A shift in thinking
We have been asked about the history of and our perspective on the shift from the Millenium Development Goals to the Sustainable...

2 min read
Empowering Creatives: The Work of GrowZA Social Investment Agency in Creative Development
Creating access to market opportunities for creatives is a crucial aspect of the GrowZA #Creativedevelopment movement. GrowZA Social...

2 min read
Decentralization and Local Control - a way forward for Sustainable Development in South Africa
E.F. Schumacher's 1973 book "Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered" has been a seminal work in the field of...

4 min read
Navigating the complexities of developing a responsive social compact in South Africa
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on communities around the world, highlighting the lack of a sincere social compact in...
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